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New Roof Installation in Memphis, TN

If your roof has reached the end of its life or is irreparably damaged, it may be time to replace it. When the time comes, rely on Reborn Roofing for your needs. We provide homes with outstanding new roof installation in Memphis, TN. Our replacements are made with the latest and greatest materials and solutions. By choosing us, you’ll receive a roof that looks great and protects your home for years to come.

New Roof on Two Story Home

How to Choose Between Repair vs. Replacement

Here are a few key factors to consider when choosing between the two services:

  • Your Roof’s Age: Maintaining your roof will become much more challenging as it ages. When it reaches the end of its lifespan, a replacement will likely be necessary.
  • Your Roof’s Materials: Some roofing materials age and deteriorate faster than others. For example, asphalt shingles may need to be replaced sooner than metal or concrete.
  • Your Repair Costs: If you’re scheduling repairs frequently, you may be spending more than it’s worth. In this case, a replacement is more cost-effective in the long run.
Roof Replacement Services

The Benefits of a New Roof Installation

Modern roofing installations offer many benefits, including:

  • Updated Style: Replacing your roof will enable you to customize your installation with new materials, styles, and design elements. View our gallery to see what’s possible for your home.
  • Cost-Savings: Old and damaged roofs allow the outdoor air and elements to invade, destabilizing indoor temperatures. Since replacements are fresh and damage-free, they can better regulate temperatures and reduce energy spending.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: If you prioritize sustainability, a new installation will allow you to update your roof with eco-friendly materials and reduce your home’s carbon footprint.


Where Roof Replacement Is the Last Resort

Roof replacement is often the most costly and messy service to fulfill. Though all roofs will eventually need to be replaced, considering alternatives is crucial. At Reborn Roofing, we consider all other options before replacement. We achieve this by performing a comprehensive assessment. During this assessment, our crew will thoroughly inspect your roof and identify and record all damages, problem areas, and concerns. Finally, we’ll provide a fully detailed written report on your roof’s condition. Using the report and our professional advice, you can determine if a replacement is the best choice.

Schedule an Assessment Today!

Call or email us today to make an appointment for our free of charge Roof Assessment. We walk your roof, take photos and inspect every area of the roof, identify any current problems or future problems and give you a report that shows the options available to complete the repairs. Hopefully there are no issues! If that is the case you have the peace of mind knowing your home is protected.

Repair. Restore. Replace.